Posted On: Sat 02-Feb 2013
By: Luke Peters
Stevenage Start of Summertime Specials

Our first major event of 2013 is only 2 months away now so please consider entering as soon as possible.

If you don't think that you can ride, please offer to help man one of our many checkpoints. All help is most appreciated and it will help to improve the experience of the hundreds of riders who will be riding out from Stevenage on April 7th. If you intend to ride, you can still help if you can get to Costello's earlier.

Over 500 people entered one of the three rides on offer in 2012 and we are sure to see similar numbers entering this year so please enter early to ensure you get a brevet card. Remember, you will not be able to ride if you do not have a brevet card!
Posted On: Tue 29-Jan 2013
By: Luke Peters
Back out on the road!

After the amazingly brilliant weather we have had of late (we all love snow right), we are pleased to report that we are back out on the roads with 3 rides (2 road and 1 off-road) making it around their routes.

We should be back out on the roads again tomorrow (Wednesday 30th) for our weekly Winter Wander with Jackie leading us on our way! Make sure you're at our Old Town meeting point for 7:15 PM tomorrow!
Posted On: Fri 25-Jan 2013
By: Tina Walker
Interested in attending a first aid course?

If you would be interested in taking a first aid course follow the
link to first aid course information.
Posted On: Wed 23-Jan 2013
By: Tina Walker
*Tonight - Wednesday evening ride cancelled

To All Riders
I am sorry but this evenings ride will NOT take place due to adverse weather conditions and taking into consideration of all riders. I as much as everyone, are keen to get back out on the bike, but having spoken to a few riders they say the conditions are dangerous.
Apologies and I hope we can all be riding again next Wednesday with me.
Best wishes Jackie Cooper xx
Posted On: Sat 19-Jan 2013
By: Luke Peters
Tomorrow's Ride also cancelled

Tomorrow's ride (Saturday 20th January) to Hexton has also been cancelled due to the weather conditions. Wednesday's ride is still due to go ahead but please check back to the website for updates before Wednesday!