Posted On: Fri 28-Jun 2013
By: Daniel Mann
Sat 29th June - Off Road Cancelled

Hello everyone,

After riding the off-road route today during the bad weather conditions it has been decided that the off-road ride will not go ahead tomorrow because I feel it is unsafe and too dangerous to use the route that was planned when wet and I would rather not risk the chance of riders coming off their bikes.

The on-road route will still go ahead as normal leaving Costello's at 2pm and heading to Tewin Fete for anyone who wishes to ride tomorrow. Those who had planned to ride the off-road are more than welcome to join the on-road route instead.

Daniel Moore,
Stevenage & NH CTC Ride Leader.
Posted On: Mon 24-Jun 2013
By: Tina Walker
A plea for Courtesy

We have received a letter from a fellow cyclist who had a close call with one of our Wednesday evening rides.

I have hidden details of who it was for obvious reasons. However I am making a plea on their behalf for our riders to show some thought for other cycleway users especially when turning corners and at junctions. We have a right to use the cycleways (and roads too) but we have no right to obstruct or endanger other users. It costs us nothing to be considerate and friendly/polite at least.

"I was cycling in the opposite direction to your group on the cycle path .... I was confronted by shouts of "right turn" and yelps as cyclists turned right cutting across my side of the track. To avoid a collision I had to slam on my brakes ... This type of thing wouldn't usually frustrate me in the way it has but what made the incident even more annoying was that not one of the group even acknowledged or apologised to me. In fact one member shouted at me to wait for the group to pass."

"If an experienced cyclist like me is left with a bad experience of the CTC I'd hate to think what people who are just beginning to get out on their bike would think by a similar reception."

"I've hated writing this, in fact I've almost deleted it twice. I just think that an organisation like yours has a massive role in promoting cycling and a bit of politeness and etiquette would go a long way in supporting this don't you think?"
Posted On: Mon 17-Jun 2013
By: Luke Peters
Stevenage Circular Cycle

The Stevenage Circular Cycle rolled out from its new start location with more than 100 riders attempting the half century challenge.

We, as a group, would like to thank Marriotts Sports Centre for their cooperation yesterday. Without their help, the day would not have been possible.

As always, a massive thank you to the many volunteers around the route. Without your help, this event would have only been one of Alison's wildest dreams.

And of course, the final piece of the puzzle, thank you to all of the cyclists who took on the challenge and congratulations to those of you who made it around.

Our next challenge rides are just 7 weeks away. The Off-Road Challenges give you the opportunity to pit yourself against a route between 50km and 100km on August 4th, 2013.

Also there is the Cecil Cooke Memorial Trophy for CTC members which is organized by last year's winner, Stuart Higham. The competition is on 15th September, 2013.
Posted On: Sat 15-Jun 2013
By: Daniel Mann
Circular - Is your name here? V6

With tomorrow being the big day for the Stevenage Circular ride for 2013, the final version of the list of entries is now available and everyone on that list has a brevet card ready for them to collect tomorrow at the event. We're hoping for good weather and a great day and we hope everyone taking part enjoys themselves.

If you still wish to enter the event tomorrow then you will have to enter on the day, all the information for the event can be found on our circular page. Entries on the day will cost �10 per person and there may be a limited number of available spaces and brevet cards.

Is your name here? Final (13th June 2013)
Posted On: Thu 13-Jun 2013
By: Luke Peters
Online Entries have now closed

Online Entries for the Stevenage Circular Cycle have now closed.

There may be some places left on the day but they will be limited. All entries from this point will cost �10.

Please arrive in good time and ensure that you have enough time to register and read the organiser's guidance if you have not yet entered.