Posted On: Sat 03-Aug 2013
By: Daniel Mann
Website Improvements

Hello everyone,

Luke and I have been working on some improvements to the website over the last month or so. The majority of the updates have been things that can't be visually seen on the website including optimising the website to try make pages load faster and improving the naming of webpages.

Some of the new features we have been working on include:
- A new "Quick Links" widget on the homepage which now has links to a lot of popular websites and information.
- A Marketplace page that will now show the bikes and other merchandise for sale by the group itself or group members.
- A special page dedicated to Bike Week (not finished yet).
- A Cafe Gazette listing a lot of the popular stops for our rides and the opening times (not finished yet).

I have also made some documentation updates to the website as well:
- The August and September rides list is live on the website.
- The August Evening and Saturday posters have been added to the respective pages.

As always Luke and I value feedback about the website and we are passionate about using the website to it's full potential so if you have any feedback about the website you can visit our "Contact" page and drop us an email with feedback.

Posted On: Sat 03-Aug 2013
By: Daniel Mann
Blazing Saddles - July 2013 Update

Here is your July monthly update for our Blazing Saddles competition!

Although the rain has given us a few wet days in July, the sun and warm weather has been out in full force helping us to enjoy some of the great rides that have been organised.

Alan Baxter is still holding onto the lead in the mens on 117 points with Jim Brown holding on to second place with 104 and Richard Button despite his injuries still in third place on 67.

In the ladies, Lynn Bonnici is still in first place with 74 points. Elaine Walker is holding on to second on 68 with Jackie Cooper very close on her heels on 67 points. Could there be a change to second place by the end of August?

In the juniors we have Lauren Higham in first place with 29 points and Sean Browne is second with 24. Kieran Higham is in third place on 16 points.

If you want to see the full list of results then head on over to our Blazing Saddles page.
Posted On: Tue 30-Jul 2013
By: Tina Walker
August/September Rides Published

Wahay - managed to dry out long enough to add the rides to the database.

Ride leaders please check your details and confirm with Tina.
Posted On: Tue 30-Jul 2013
By: Tina Walker
Cake ride seeks cake!

Anyone fancy making a cake for the Cake ride on Monday 5th August? Doesn't need to be anything fancy just quite big!

Needs to be either quite robust or easy to transport too.

Use the contact page to reply to general enquiry!
Posted On: Fri 26-Jul 2013
By: Tina Walker
Celebrate Herts CTC Birthday

This Sunday our ride will meet up with members from all of the other Hertfordshire CTC area groups for a joint birthday ride.

Paul will lead us to meet the others at 11's. From there to lunch there will be a choice of rides and then Paul will lead us all home.