Posted On: Mon 08-Apr 2013
By: Luke Peters
Tandem Captains - Reach Fair

Outspoken Training are looking for potential tandem captains to help pilot keen cyclists to the Reach Fair from Cambridge on 6th May. More information about the event can be found at

Any interested tandem captains, should contact Rob at [email protected]. There are some tandem bicycles (Morpheus tandems - more about the Morpheus can be found here) available that can be used which Outspoken Training have raised funds for and supplied to the All Ability cycling group.
Posted On: Mon 08-Apr 2013
By: Luke Peters
Stevenage Start of Summertime Specials

Paul and I are still in the process of checking back through the hundreds of cards of riders who completed one of the three rides yesterday.

The next stage is for your brevet cards to be checked and double-checked by us within Stevenage & North Herts CTC, and then we have to send the data off to Audax UK who will check and validate your rides.

This will take some time but in the meantime, please consider the Stevenage Circular Cycle on 16th June. Details were available at the finish control yesterday, but stay tuned for more updates regarding entries to this event in the future.
Posted On: Sun 31-Mar 2013
By: Luke Peters
SSoSS - Is your name here!?

The groupings for the Stevenage Start of Summertime Specials have now been set so please check that document (available on the Start of Summertime Specials page) to make sure that you are there, and also which group you will be starting in.

If you are sure that we should have your entry by now, but you are not in the document, then please contact Paul Boielle (for the 115km or 210km routes) or Luke Peters (for the 62km route) as soon as possible.

Entries will be available on the day if there are any brevet cards left.
Posted On: Sat 30-Mar 2013
By: Luke Peters
Clocks change tonight

The clocks spring forward into British Summertime tonight so make sure you remember to change your clocks in time to come out on one of the three rides that we are offering tomorrow morning!

Firstly, you can meet up with Jackie at the usual Stevenage Old Town meeting point. From here the group will go for an early riser spin.

If that is too early for you, or you're feeling really good, there are two rides later in the morning.

You can meet Paul Garner at the roundabout near the Three Moorhens pub in Hitchin at 9:30AM for an off-road ride with medium difficulty content with a stop in Coleman Green. If you do not want to worry about the off-road, or simply cannot make it to Hitchin in time, Jim is leading a road ride from the Old Town at 10AM to meet up with Paul's off-road ride in Coleman Green.

Help us celebrate the start of British Summertime by coming out on one of these rides, and also, don't forget the Stevenage Start of Summertime Specials next Sunday. If you have not already entered, time is running out, the brevet cards are already arriving so make sure you enter now to reserve your place.
Posted On: Mon 25-Mar 2013
By: Tina Walker
Hot off the press

The new rides list for April and May will be winging its way to those of you who receive paper copies before the Easter Break.

They should be in the post from 12:30pm today Monday 25 March.