Blazing Saddles

2012: Results

2011: Results

2010: Results

2009: Results

2008: Results

2007: Results

2006: Results

2005: Results

2004: Results

2003: Results

2002: Bob Corbett

2001: Bob Corbett

2000: Frank Ferridge & Jill Gristwood

1999: Frank Ferridge

1998: Not awarded

1997: Andrew Benny

1996: Stewart Hammond &
    Derek Cullender

1995: Elizabeth Wilson

1994: Chris Waterfield

1993: Robert Sanders

1992: Andrew Sherratt

The Blazing saddles trophy is awarded to the rider who participates in the highest number of rides each year. It has been a tradition of the Stevenage & North Herts CTC since it was first introduced in 1992 when Andrew Sherratt won it.

Only rides organised by the local group count towards the Blazing Saddles competition. These are rides that appear in the printed programme or here on the website. Each ride a rider participates in will earn then 1 point towards their overall total for the year. You do not have to complete the ride to be awarded the point but you must cover a "reasonable" potion of the ride.

The first ride of the "year" is always the Christmas Lunch ride during which the awards for the previous year are presented. Anyone who rides on the Christmas Lunch ride will have already earned their first point towards that years total.

Although all riders are included in our results tables, only those who are CTC members are eligible to receive the Blazing Saddles trophy.

Remember, this is a local competition designed only to increase the interest in our rides.

Current standings:

Thankfully the sunshine has stayed with us for the month of June and allowed us to have some great rides in the company of the lovely sunshine. June's rides list was packed full of rides to compliment Bike Week and we had a great turnout of riders.

Alan Baxter is still holding onto the lead in the mens on 97 points with Jim brown holding on to second place with 89 and Richard Button is still securely in third place on 67. Will we see our first two riders to reach 100 points each for this year in July?

In the ladies, Lynn Bonnici is still in first place with 65 points. Elaine Walker is holding on to second on 59 and Jackie Cooper is not far behind on 55 points.

In the juniors we have Lauren Higham is in first place and has started to pull away with the lead again on 24 points behind Sean Browne who has 21. Kieran Higham is in third place on 14 points and looks to stay in third place with a huge lead over fourth place.


CTC DA Medals

In addition to the Blazing Saddles, Medals are also awarded to riders who have gained a certain number of points in local event rides. The medals are given out as part of the presentation ceremony that happens at the Christmas lunch.

Medals are awarded for the following points ranges:

Gold 28+ points
Silver 20-27 points
Bronze 13-19 points

Points are awarded depending on the ride and the distance you cover. The table below shows the points awarded for participating in our main local rides:

Event Points
Start of Summertime (SSOSS) 62km 3
115km 5
210km 12
Stevenage Circular Cycle 80km 4
Off-Road Challenges 50km 3
65km 4
88km 5
100km 6
Cecil Cooke Trophy (per event) 1
Emitremmus 101km 5
62km (Lite) 3